Version 2 is now posted

This release has the following improvements/changes

  • Added volcano / lava geyser as a hazard so player cannot just hug the bottom.
  • Improved accuracy of gun turret.
  • Stalactites fall at random locations
  • Improved home screen on the game
  • You don't have to return to the instructions page to restart a game after losing all your lives.
  • After losing a life, you can simply hit return to start your next life.
  • Added different point values for stalactite versus saucer versus gun turret.
  • Blended out the seem in the repeating background a little better.
  • Made enemy laser easier to see.
  • When you lose a life, the game lets you know which enemy element killed you.
  • Added a Pause button - hit Escape to pause mid-game.
  • Changed the way end-of-game displays - it now shows as an overlay instead of shifting the entire game down.


Bunker Raid v2 1 MB
56 days ago